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Радар Cobra 9930

върни се назад
цена: 178.89EUR

директория: Радар Детектори
производител: Cobra
гаранция 12 месеца


The XRS 9930 provides total protection and peace of mind with the Xtreme Range Superheterodyne Technology, detecting all 12 radar/laser bands with its super-fast lock-on detection circuitry. The unit provides extra detection range and the best possible advance warning to even the fastest of POP mode radar guns. It comes with the Cobra exclusive full-color ExtremeBright DataGrafix display, an 8-point electronic compass, Voice Alert, car battery voltage display/low car battery warning and much more

дванадесет ленти, X-K-Ka-Ku+laser, 360° леща, компас с 8 посоки, детекция на POP радари, LCD дисплей с много добра яркост и графика,показващ напрежението на акумулатора

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